Friday, February 13, 2009

Do you really know where your food comes from?

Do you really know where your food comes from or what you are eating? 
Okay, so we have yet another reminder now of how important it is to really be aware of what we are eating and what we are putting in and on our bodies............ Peanut Butter. It is becoming increasing evident that our food supply we thought was safe and have taken for granted all our lives, has become increasingly compromised (in the name of good ol' greed & profits) and is unsafe and can potentially be lethal to our families. 
We already know that the chemical additives and preservatives that have been added to many basic foods on our store shelves for years, are now being removed or replaced with more "natural" ingredients (trans fats, hydrogenated oils, saccharin/aspartame) because of the findings of ingesting these foods for years and the possible link to cancer, diabetes and heart disease. Also we know that those diseases have all started out as minor illnesses, such as digestive problems, allergies, headaches, chronic weight gain or loss, hypoglycemia, etc. as this is our body's hidden intelligence informing us of an imbalance that needs to be corrected before it eventually becomes more serious. My belief as a Holistic Nutritionist is that most, if not all of these imbalances occurred as a lack of proper nutrients and too many "unhealthy foods" being fed to the body over and over on a daily basis. With this unhealthy cycle, the body will eventually break-down, sooner than latter. 
My suggestions to my clients who have come to me with these "little" issues, and the fear of not knowing what to eat, is to go back to natural! Since most of us don't have the ability to grow our own fruits and vegetables, I suggest going to your local farmers market and supporting your local farmers by purchasing their locally grown foods. Their foods are far better than the mass-produced produce your will find in the supermarkets and and you will be helping out the environment by saving produce from being flown all over the country. Also, it is great to buy organic whenever you can, reduce your chemical load with foods that don't have all of those pesticides and have possibly been genetically modified (cross-bread) with unlikely substances (that individuals with allergies may not be aware of).
So continue to buy peanut butter if you like it, just be aware of where it comes from and buy the organic brands from your local health food store and don't be afraid to spend a little extra, isn't what you put into your body worth it? 

Thursday, February 5, 2009

February is Heart Health Month - Tips to keep it ticking!

5 Simple Steps to a Healthy Heart

1. Eat Well - Believe it or not, you are what you eat and food really does affect your body in some major ways! Delete saturated fats (pre-packaged fast foods) from your diet and eat a diet high in vegetables and lean protein,  whole grains as this will reduce your cholesterol levels just a effectively as statin drugs without the side effects!

2. Take a really good vitamin/mineral supplement daily - our bodies need to have all of the proper nutrients to run efficiently and let's face it, we just don't get enough in the foods we eat, so it is a great idea to supplement with a good multi-mineral vitamin every day.

3. Exercise - I know the dreaded "E" word. Don't panic, your heart will love you if you  just start simple by walking 10-20 minutes a day, you can work up to 30 or 40 later, just as long as you start. Walking is the best exercise of all, it is natural, is free and the side effects will be less stress and quite possibly less weight to carry around!

4. Reduce Stress - Take inventory of the stressful things in your life and work on constructive ways to deal with it, such as yoga, putting your favorite dance-mix on and dancing like crazy in your living room, or just planning a new strategy on how to deal with difficult situations and get out and walk!

5. Be light-hearted and joyful - bring back the joy in your life by doing the things you love to do, some me time, giving back to others in need, take a class, get a massage. Come on, you deserve it!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Eating Healthy in a World of Processed Foods

For my first blog on this spot, I wanted to begin by bringing an awareness to you about processed, convenience foods and the importance of eating healthily. 
Ever wondered what it takes to truly eat healthy? Wondering through the grocery store isles of processed & frozen foods, sweets and a borage of meats and dairy products all filled with chemicals, hydrogenated oils and preservatives... it can be so totally difficult just to buy some wholesome, nutritious food these days!  I have a simple term for these popular processed foods, I call them "plastic food", why because basically they are. The chemicals that make up these processed "convenience foods" are similar to other compounds used to make many other non-food items and further more they are not meant to broken down and absorbed by our bodies!
Now after eating these foods for most of our lives, consider the rise on cancer, heart disease, diabetes and the probable link to an unhealthy diet. Most of these foods are devoid of any nutrition and therefore adding empty calories, our bodies are still in need of nutrients, which begins the craving for more food in an effort to obtain nutrients, while adding calories and weight. The American diet has become a nation of nutrient deprived citizens! 
To become a savvy shopper and combat this, I learned an old trick years ago, to only shop the perimeter of the grocery store (unless it is a Whole foods or Trader Joe's) meaning most of the "healthier" foods outline the store,  so you will be sure to shop mostly vegetables and lean proteins. My second rule of thumb is a slight change in thinking and a great way to save some money on your grocery bill. Make your main part of the meal a great salad or a savory veggie dish and then add a little protein, such as 1-3 oz. of fish, chicken, turkey or lean beef as the side dish. This is a great way to maximize your vegetable intake and minimize your food bill.
To recap, here are my rules of thumb for healthier eating....
1) Shop the perimeter for fresh fruits & veggies and stay away from them processed food isles.
2) Make veggies/salad you main entree and a lean protein your side dish.
Here's to healthy eating!
The Nutrition Chick