Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Do You Want To Influence Others?

When we think about a "bad" boss, we typically picture that person to be one who runs around the office barking orders to everyone left and right. But there is also another type of boss whom we most likely have also encountered during our life - a boss who simply just doesn't do what he or she needs to do.

They provide no guidance, no clear explanation for what they expect or need. They are distant and unapproachable. The list could go on and on.... my point is, we want to be able to look up to our bosses and authorities as people we respect and admire. We, as people, tend to follow the trends of others who are successful but happy too. We all want to have these areas in our lives.

You may not even realize some of the other people around you who admire certain things about you. We all take notice of little things about the people we interact with on a daily basis. Work habits, eating habits, social skills, communication skills, analytical skills... so what is it YOU do that others may look up to you for? Or, maybe there is an area where you wish to be stronger and better at so that you will get the recognition and admiration from others for it?

Ask yourself, "Do I want to influence others? Am I ready and willing to do so?"

Influencing requires a build up of trust, reciprocity and good interpersonal skills. You need to have (or develop) leadership skills which will show those around you how rewarding it is to be who you are and do what you do. This is the most fundamental task that managers and leaders perform. If you will not or cannot do it, if it makes you uncomfortable, if other needs — to be liked, for example — feel more compelling, you will struggle as a leader.

Developing these ideas for what you want to improve in yourself will transfer from the working world into your daily lifestyle and decision-making patterns. When you feel good about who YOU are, people recognize that you're doing something smart, and therefore creating happiness in your life. With happiness, comes less stress and a healthier lifestyle overall. Be an encouragement to others, and when criticism is needed, be careful in your approach and word choices or they will tune you out and avoid taking advise from you in the future.

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